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Cataract evaluation and surgery – our advice and prices

When should cataract surgery be performed? 

Cataracts are best operated on as soon as effective vision is lost. This is especially important in diabetic cataracts, which can swell rapidly causing lens rupture. Diabetic dogs do not need to be fully stable on their insulin prior to surgery and they will be assessed by our specialist anaesthesia team beforehand.

We prefer to see cataract cases for an early assessment so that all options and best management can be discussed, even if owners are not considering surgery. 

What is the cost of cataract surgery? 

Unilateral cataract surgery £4,700  

Bilateral cataract surgery £5,400  

The first post-operative check, the day after surgery, and initial medications are included. Ongoing check-ups are at a reduced post-operative consultation fee of £90.  

Should both eyes be done at the same time? 

If both eyes are affected equally, they can be done together. This reduces the overall anaesthetic time, the overall costs, and reduces the recovery time. In some cases it may be appropriate to do just one eye.

What is the expected success rate? 

Although the majority of cataract surgery outcomes are favourable, it carries approximately a 10% risk of complications.  

What are the risk factors? 

Complications include infection, persistent inflammation (uveitis), glaucoma (increased pressure in the eye) and retinal detachment. Some complications can be successfully treated.

Some dogs may have severe pre-existing complications before surgery, such as uveitis, adhesions, glaucoma or sub-luxated lenses, which influences the expected success rate of any surgery and the options offered at the initial assessment. 

What happens if cataracts are left untreated?  

Vision will deteriorate in many eyes with cataracts and render the pet blind. We should be able to give you an idea of what to expect at the initial assessment. Cataracts can cause persistent inflammation (lens-induced uveitis), which if left untreated can lead to retinal detachment and glaucoma, a painful and blinding condition.