Veterinary Dental Crown Fitting -The Three Crowns
Veterinary Dentistry Crown Fitting – 2nd Stage
If you read the post on this blog titled First Impressions! on the 7th of December 2013 you will have read about our patient who had three badly damaged canine teeth. That post described the preparation of these three teeth for crowns and the taking of impressions.
The impressions were sent to a dental lab called Dental Precision in Cornwall where the crowns were made. They are three quarter cast metal crowns. The crowns cover, protect and strengthen the damaged surfaces of the canine teeth, preventing further tooth damage and tooth fracture.
The following pictures show the process of fitting the crowns:
Completed crowns ready for cementation
Tooth preparation for cementation
Coating inside of crown with cement ready for cementation
Fitting of crown to tooth
Curing cement with ultra violet light
Close up photograph of fitted crown
All three crowns cemented in place
This procedure was performed by Peter Southerden DipEVDC our specialist in veterinary dentistry.
If you have a case that you think may benefit from a crown or if you would like more information, please phone us on: 01793 528341 or Email Eastcott Veterinary Referrals