Joey’s a Vision of Surgical Success
A much-loved dog with severe eye problems which were rapidly deteriorating is now looking forward to a brighter future thanks to Ophthalmology team.
Five-year-old Joey, a Pekingese, had significantly reduced vision and tear production but is now acting like a puppy again thanks to surgery.
The cause of Joey’s eye problems included a nasal fold obscuring his vision and multiple hairs rubbing on his cornea, which can be associated with his breed.
Kat Manchip, a Specialist Ophthalmologist here at Eastcott, said: “A combination of hair rubbing on his eyes and overly long eyelid margins was causing pigment to migrate across Joey’s cornea and severely affect his vision.
“An ointment was initially used to help clear up the condition before Joey underwent surgery, which involved a full nasal fold resection and reducing the eyelid length and narrowing the aperture of the eye.
“Following the operation, Joey has a markedly improved tear film quality and corneal clarity, with improved vision, while he is also more comfortable and even acting like a puppy again.”
Concerned owner Mary-Ann Williams from Norfolk said: “Although Joey had a history of eye discharge, I did not realise this was an acute problem as I believed it to be something that was associated with his type of dog breed.
“The first time I became aware he had reduced vision was when I went to Eastcott and I was shocked to learn how impaired his vision was.
“I was very anxious before the surgery but the team at Eastcott, in particular Kat and Ida, have done an incredible job and Joey’s life has turned around for the better.
“He can now see, he goes on long walks, he plays, he can see what he is doing and he is such a happy little dog.
“Although I live in Norfolk, the Eastcott team have been amazing and it is worth the trouble to drive to Swindon for Joey’s check-ups. I would most definitely recommend them to other pet owners.”