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Post Registration Programme

Our exceptional year-long programme is designed to prepare newly qualified nurses (0-12 months registered) for an exciting career in referral nursing.

During the programme, you will rotate around our hospital, working in different departments, including wards, theatre, and diagnostics. Our dedicated associates are trained to provide support and will help you to develop your clinical skills and gain confidence.

Being a part of the Post Registration Programme (PRP), you will join a cohort of other early-career nurses across the Linnaeus group. This will provide you with peer support, as well as training from the PRP managers. You will also have the opportunity to contribute to Quality Improvement projects, including a Clinical Audit. You will have five professional development days throughout the year (three in-person and two remote) that will focus on improving your professional skillset and will equip you to set yourself up for a successful career in veterinary nursing.

We provide two hours of independent study time each week to focus on your projects and improve your knowledge base. Be reassured that even if you don't have prior experience working in a referral environment, we will provide full support and training for successful candidates.

You will work alongside our team of Registered Veterinary Nurses, Patient Care Assistants, Technicians, Interns, Residents, and Specialists to provide the very best care to our patients.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] or click here to find out more.